Business Planning in Arapahoe County
Create an Effective Business Plan with a Centennial Estate Planning Lawyer
As a business owner or key executive, we know that you rely on a strategic plan when making business decisions. Do you have a written plan on how you are going to exit that business with sufficient assets in time to enjoy a comfortable and rewarding retirement? Do you have a written, solid, plan that will guide the business or professional practice and retain its going-concern value for your loved ones if you unexpectedly become disabled or pass away prematurely?
If your business plan ignores these fundamental questions, you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity to cut your tax load – and you may be exposing your business to great risks that threaten its continued growth and survival. It is a sad fact that two out of every three family-owned companies do not survive the first generation, and most business owners are not able to harvest the full value of their business for their retirement and their loved ones. These owners did not plan to fail, they failed to plan.
On the other hand, it is possible to put a proven plan in place today that will protect your business, enhance its value, and allow you to harvest its entire going-concern value for your retirement and to pass to your loved ones, while at the same time minimizing or eliminating Uncle Sam's tax bite.
To understand more about how business and business succession planning will benefit you and your business and what strategies you can put in place today to cut taxes, protect your loved ones, and enhance your retirement, schedule a consultation today with Steve Owens, a third generation Colorado attorney who practices extensively in the areas of tax planning, business protection planning and business transition planning.
Whether your office is located in Arapahoe County or Douglas, Denver or Jefferson County, The Law Office of Steven R. Owens, P.C. can assist you with your business planning goals. Steve will work with you to coordinate your business planning goals with your income planning, tax planning, asset protection and estate planning goals. While every person's goals are unique, the planning questions might include:
- How can I create a business structure that will protect my personal assets, maximize going concern value and immediately slash my tax load?
- How can employee benefits planning help me realize my goals?
- Qualified tax-preferred retirement plans
- Non-qualified deferred compensation plans
- Welfare benefit plans
- Qualified defined benefit retirement plans
- Qualified defined contribution retirement plans
- Which tools can help with effective succession planning?
- Family inheritance and succession planning
- Family limited partnerships
- Leveraged stock trusts
- Employee stock ownership programs (ESOPs)
- Buy-sell agreements
- Disability planning
- How does my business plan coordinate with my estate plan?
- Tax elimination goals
- Financial enhancement goals
- Healthcare financing goals.
Contact The Law Office of Steven R. Owens to begin your path toward creating an effective business plan
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